Employee Management System

  1. Overview
    • An Employee Management System helps you to keep all your employee data in a secure and centralized database. Using an Employee Management System you may easily retrieve the data pertaining to any employee easily, even for employees who have already left your organization.
    • An Employee Management System also helps you to keep track of an employee's employment lifecycle with ease. You may archive an employee record when the employee leaves your organization, and re-activate the same record again when the employee is rehired later. Doing so will retain all historical data about the employee for past employment periods.
    • Employees may also be able to update their personal profile in order to keep their profile up to date. This will undoubtedly reduce the workloads of HR staff as they could delegate the task of updating profile information such as Education, Work Experience, Contact details etc. to employees.

    Use Custom Fields to capture user-defined data

  2. Managing Employees
    • To add your employee records, you may access Employee ❯ Management. Click at the button to Add or click at the button to Import Employees.
    • Employee records must be added prior to inviting employees to sign up for their Employee Web Accounts. Remember to enter the employees' Contact Email so that you will be ready to invite them.
    • Once an Employee Web Account is signed up, you may then assign selected employees with the roles of HR.my Manager or HR Roles via Employee ❯ Web Account under Enabled or Disabled tab. Employees with these roles will be able to sign in the Employer account to manage employee data.
    • You may enable or disable Employee Web Accounts anytime if necessary. Once an Employee Web Account is disabled, the employee will NO longer be able to sign in to current Employer's Portal (However, if the disabled Employee Web Account is associated with other Employer accounts too, then the employee will still be able to sign in to other Employer's Portal through the same Employee Web Account).
  3. Employee Profile
    • You may enter basic employee data in Employee ❯ Management. Additional details of an employee that may be organized into multiple records can be added in the following sections.
    • Placement. For employee's change in Job Position, Line Manager, Department, Branch and Level.
    • Employment Terms. For employee's change in Job Type, Job Status, Term Start, Term End, Leave Workflow, Workday and Holiday.
    • Education. Employee's education history. Academic Certificates could be uploaded as Attachment for each record.
    • Experience. Employee's past work experiences. Employer Testimonials could be uploaded as Attachment for each record.
    • Training. Training classes attended by employees. Training Certificates could be uploaded as Attachment for each record.
    • Legal Document. For employee's Visa / Work Permit, License etc. You may also set an Expiry Alert to remind you before the validity of the documents expires, so as to make sure that employees are always in compliant with legal requirements. Documents could be scanned and uploaded as Attachment for each record.
  4. Allowing Employees to Edit Personal Details
    • When an employee signs in her Employee Web Account, she will be able to view or Request to Edit her personal profile, such as uploading a new employee photo.
    • To request for edit permission, an employee has to click at the Request Edit button in the desired Profile section, such as Personal, Family, Contact etc.
    • An email will be sent to HR.my Administrator or HR.my Managers, so that they will be notified and sign in to review the request to edit via Employee ❯ Request.
    • Upon reviewing such requests, an HR.my Administrator may approve the request by setting the deadline for such edits to be completed, or to reject the request.
    • An email will be sent to the employee notifying her of the review decision. If it is approved, she may sign in the Employee Web Account to update before the specified deadline.
  5. Archving Employees and Handling Employees Re-joining
    • Even though you may delete any employee records at will, however, for practical reasons (see below), it is highly recommended NOT TO DELETE an employee record unless really necessary. Instead, you should Archive the employee records for employees that are no longer under active employment.
    • The reasons that employee records have to be archived instead of being deleted:
      1. More often than not, an employee's record may be referenced by other data of the system. For instance, an outgoing employee may be the Leave Approver of other employees, thus deleting the employee record will render leave transaction data in limbo state, i.e. you will not be able to figure out who the reviewer was.
      2. In real life, employers will not burn employee files once they depart from any organization.
      3. Employees may rejoin an organization after departure, particularly for part-timers.
    • Archive Employee. To archive an employee, you may go to Employee ❯ Management, then select the employee to be archived, click the Edit button, then click at the Archive button. Pick a "Reason" (either Resigned, Dismissed, Contract Ended, Retired, Retrenched or Deceased) and an "Effective Date" for the action.
    • Delete Employee. To delete an employee, you may go to Employee ❯ Management, then select the employee to be deleted and click the Edit button, then click at the Delete menu.
    • Retrieve Archived Employee. When an employee is archived, he / she will no longer appear in the usual query result. To list Archived employees in the query result, you will need to change the Job Status on the Search panel to either Archived, All or any of the specific archiving reasons.
    • Disable Web Account. Note that archiving an employee does not automatically disable his / her Employee Web Account. If you do not want to let an employee who has left your organization to sign in the Employer's Portal, you will need to disable his / her Employee Web Account.
    • Rehire Employee. If an archived employee (say an employee who resigned) is under active employment again (re-hired), you may go to Employee ❯ Employment Terms, search for the employee (remember to change the Job Status on the Search panel to Archived), then Add a new Employment Terms record for him / her. This way the employee's historical records will all be kept intact and you will always know when the employee leaves and re-joins the organization again.
      Don't forget to enable the rehired employee's Web Account again via Employee ❯ Web Account
  6. Tracking Employment and Salary Changes
    • HR.my allows you to keep track of important changes to an employee's employment. Besides the change in Employment Terms (such as the example in the previous section), you may also keep track of Placement changes (which affects the change of Job Position, Line Manager, Department, Branch or Level), as well as Salary Adjustment and Visa / Work Permit.
    • For this purpose, Placement, Employment Terms and Salary Adjustment must always maintain at least one record.
    • As a typical example, if an employee happens to have a salary adjustment, you may add a new record registering the salary details and effective date for the latest change. Thus this employee's salary adjustment history will always be readily available for management purpose.