Method - To specify how is the leave entitlement earned:
- Earned Immediately - Entire leave entitlement will be earned immediately at the "Earning Start" date. Typical use cases include Hospitalization or Maternity Leaves.
- Prorated - With this option, an employee will earn a portion of total entitlement with each month or day served, depending on the "Accrual Period" setting (Monthly or Daily). Typical use cases include Annual Leave or other paid leaves.
- Custom Monthly Allocation - This is a very flexible option that allows you to specify leave earnings for each service month (or calendar month, depending on the Earning Start date). Typical use include organizations that grant leave earning in accordance to certain rules, such as yearly entitlement of 15 days with 1 day for each of the initial 11 service months, and 4 days in the last service month. The leave earned in each prior month will be accumulated in the following months, but you may use Leave Entitlement to cap the maximum accumulated earning allowed.
- Not Required - "Earning Start" date is not applicable and the entire leave entitlement will be available without going through earning process.
Accrual Period - To specify if leave is earned on a monthly or daily basis. Only applicable when "Method" is set to Prorated.
Earned At - Whether earned leave will be credited at the End or Start of the "Accrual Period" (end of the month or day).