Free Payroll and Salary Management

  1. Overview
    • comes with a flexible payroll and salary management module with the best price you could ever get, FREE. You could track employee salary changes easily with Salary Adjustment feature. Meanwhile, you may also process payroll and generate payslips that will be accessible to your employees via their Employee Web Accounts.
    •'s payroll feature is designed in such a way that would give you maximum flexibility in payroll procesing.
      1. You could start to prepare for a new payroll long before the payroll run happens.
      2. You may change/ add/ remove any Salary Items of any employee for each payroll run via Payroll ❯ Process. Such ad hoc changes to the Salary Items during each payroll process will not affect the baseline setup via Payroll ❯ Salary Adjustment, which will be loaded as the default Salary Items when you begin a NEW payroll run.
      3. You may process your payroll as Draft. After vetting the payroll result, you may Publish selected or all Draft Payslips so that employees will be able to view and print their own payslips online. Published Payslips may also be Un-published when necessary.
      4. You may always re-process your payroll for selected or all employees.
      5. You may download the processed payroll result in Excel format, in order to prepare your own offline payslips.
  2. Salary Adjustment
    • offers a powerful salary management solution for employers to keep track of employees' salary change history.
    • Whenever an employee's basic salary or salary items are adjusted, a new salary adjustment record could be added. Therefore an employer will always be able to examine past salary adjustment details to find out when was the last pay raise, or when certain allowance was granted to an employee etc.
    • Similarly, employees will also be able to view their historical salary changes.
    • Both employer and employees could access the salary adjustment records via Payroll ❯ Salary Adjustment.
    • When you are adding a new employee, you may set up all pay related information at once via Employee ❯ Management. However, once an employee record is created, you will need to go to Payroll ❯ Salary Adjustment for subsequent changes to salary.
    • On top of that, you may also set up an alert for Next Salary Review date for an employee via Employee ❯ Management, where you will see an alert in your Home's Alert portlet when any of the review dates are within your alert period range, such as within 90 days from current date.
  3. Setting up Basic Pay and additional Salary Items
    • supports various Pay Periods for payroll processing. These include Monthly, Semi-Monthly, Bi-Weekly and Weekly.
    • For common wage type, you may set up a Basic Salary for the employee via Payroll ❯ Salary Adjustment (or Employee ❯ Management when you are adding a new employee). For both Daily and Hourly based pay types, you may set up an Earning item via Payroll ❯ Earning, then add it to the employee's salary items via Payroll ❯ Salary Adjustment.
    • Should there be other recurring Salary Items such as allowance, deduction or Statutory Contribution (e.g. PAYE, PAYG or employee withholding tax, employee provident fund etc) items for an employee, you should set them up too to save from having to repeatedly add the same salary items in each payroll run.
  4. Payroll Process
    • When it comes to a new pay cycle, you may start your payroll process anytime. Say it is now at the beginning of the month, while the next payroll run will be at the end of current month, you could actually start to prepare the payroll process long before the actual payroll run happens. You may start a payroll process for 100 employees, and may only be able to finish checking the Salary Items of 50 of them today, and continue with the rest tomorrow without worrying that the previously edited records are gone before processing. On the next day when you are ready to continue reviewing the Salary Items for the rest of the employees, just start the Payroll Process for the same Pay Period again.
    • New Process or Re-process. In Payroll ❯ Process, just click at the button to start a new payroll run, or to re-process any processed payroll. Choosing the SAME Pay Period and date range with an Existing payroll result will allow you to re-process the selected payroll.
    • Pay Period and Draft Option. When the Process Payroll window appears, choose the Pay Period and date range for current payroll run. Before you continue, decide if current process will generate Draft payslips or publish the payslips to Employee Web Accounts immediately. You may toggle the published state of any payslips later regardless of your current option.
    • Select Employee (Active or Archived). Continue to next step, i.e. to edit Salary Items for selected or all employees. At this stage, you will need to click at the button at the bottom. A Select Employee window will appear, which by default will filter all "Active" employees for the selected Pay Period whose salaries are "Not Processed" yet (Note: Employee Pay Period is set via Employee ❯ Management). If you need to process an employee who has just been "Archived" in current payroll period, remember to click at the button to change the "Job Status" filter condition. Similarlly, when you are re-processing an existing payroll (where some or all of the employee salaries are already processed), don't forget to change the Search Filter to look for employees whose wages have already been "Processed". When you are done with employee selection, close the window to go back to edit Salary Items.
    • Edit Salary Items. Click at any of the employees to view or change the Salary Items. When you access Salary Items of any employee for the first time, the default Salary Items will be loaded from the latest Salary Adjustment. You may add, edit or remove any of the Salary Items. When you are done, just close the Edit Salary Items window. You will notice that there is a new "Edited" icon indicating that the selected employee's default Salary Items have been loaded. If an employee has no default Salary Items in the latest Salary Adjustment, then this icon will not be shown. Once an employee's Salary Items are edited, the modified record will be saved immediately. This is to allow you to continue the payroll Salary Items checking and editing in multiple sessions without having to process the payroll.
    • Prorata Salary for Employees not Working Full Pay Period. If there is any employee that is not working full pay cycle, such as an employee who joins in the middle of the month, or departs before the end of the month, or an employee who applies for unpaid leaves, then you may use Payroll ❯ Deduction to account for absent work days.
    • Reset Salary Items. Should there be any changes to the latest Salary Adjustment for some employees after their Salary Items have been edited, you may go back to edit Salary Items, and click at the desired employee, then click at the button to reload the latest Salary Adjustment items.
    • Process Payroll. When you are happy that everything is in order, then just click at the button to start.
    • Payslips. When the payroll process is completed, you will be presented with a list of employees. Click at any of them to review the generated payslip. If you started the payroll process with the option of "Process as Draft", then the newly generated payslips will be in draft mode. You may publish all of them to the respective Employee Web Accounts at once, or individually. Vice versa, you may also Un-publish a payslip to turn it back to draft mode, which will no longer be accessible to the relevant Employee Web Account anymore.
    • Export Payroll Result. You may also click at any of the processed payroll, then click at the button to download a copy of the result in Excel.
    • Re-process or Delete. If you would like to make changes to some of the employees' salary items, you may go back and click at the button to start the re-process by selecting the SAME Pay Period and date range. You may also delete the payroll process to start afresh if you wish.